The CITIZEN LIMOUSINE SERVICES trademark is owned by the company CITIZEN LIMOUSINE SERVICES S.A.R.L., holder of the Atout France Licence no. EVTC093130081 for its passenger transport services.
The transport of people in Chauffeur-driven Tourist Cars (VTC) is regulated by the Tourist Code. In France, these cars are driven by certified drivers who hold a professional driver’s licence and have the necessary qualifications. These authorised personnel are strictly in compliance with the social and tax laws and the labour laws in force.
Vehicles and drivers are subject to regular checks by the competent authorities.
Our company CITIZEN LIMOUSINE SERVICES is a member of the CSNERT, representing the French Federation of Touring Cars with Driver.
The prices indicated are calculated in euros all taxes included.
They include the service of the driver and the expenses incurred by the use of the vehicle, with the exception of customised transport services as described in the special conditions.
The number of passengers and the volume of luggage transported determine the capacity of the vehicle.
CITIZEN LIMOUSINE SERVICES is expressly released from liability in the event of failure by the passenger to comply with the regulations concerning transport. Any fine, any penal sanction or any material and corporal damage resulting from this non-observance is the sole responsibility of the customer.
Multiple transport services in Paris and its inner suburbs are invoiced in accordance with a quote drawn up in advance, taking into account the following elements: type of car, hourly rate, maximum mileage, plus any expenses and allowances (toll, parking, additional mileage, allowances for the driver, meals, night, Sunday or public holiday, without this list being exhaustive).
These additional costs are the subject of prior information provided to the customer by the sales department. The possible allowances and expenses, which are subject to tax, are not subject to any discount or commission.
A reservation that is not cancelled 24 hours before the agreed pick-up time or the absence of the client at the time of pick-up will be fully invoiced to the client.
Terms of payment : The payment of the transport service is made before its realization.
Any deferred payment must be negotiated with the sales department before the transport is carried out. In this case, the deposits received will not be refundable. Moreover, any payment after the due date indicated on the invoice will lead to the application of late payment penalties on the basis of three times the legal rate in force, in accordance with the provisions of the LME law no. 2008-776. By express agreement, any disputes that may arise from this document shall fall within the jurisdiction of the Commercial Court of Paris, or any other jurisdiction at the sole discretion of CITIZEN LIMOUSINE SERVICES.